Published on juin 12th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Florida Keys Piranha – Too Many Fish To Fish
« Small break in the wind turned out to be wrong but we headed out to the reef anyway as June is when the Mangrove Snapper spawn goes off. What we were looking for was schools of 3-5 lb mangrove snapper. Unfortunately, the wind was a lot worse than expected which made things very uncomfortable out there. Our next issue was that there was a problem with the sounder and we were unable to scan the bottom for the schools. With that came the rains to make things a bit more uncomfortable. Anchoring and putting out the chum turned out to be pretty much a dinner bell for every Bar Jack on the reef. As soon as we put out the bag, Bar Jacks, Cigar Minnows, Speedos, and Blue Runners attacked the chum bag and basically emptied two blocks of chum in an hour. Without the chum, Yellowtailing was fruitless. After scraping up a couple, we called it a very early day and headed out. It was a rough day, but I did get some great underwater footage of the carnage. Good times. »