Browsing the "WTF" Category

Creekbound and Down

février 16th, 2020 | by Matt Dumoulin

Trent McCrerey and Knox Hammack. Trent and Knox are pro kayakers that won TGR’s community entry for the Tough Fun [&hellip

West Cherry Creek: California

janvier 2nd, 2020 | by Matt Dumoulin

This summer Dane Jackson and Nick Troutman join up in California to run down the famous West Cherry Creek. Check out [&hellip

The River Log Episode 4

janvier 2nd, 2020 | by Matt Dumoulin

Nick Parsons and Corey Lilly wake up early to meet Adam Johnson for a dawn patrol lap on WV steep [&hellip

Skook Smash and Grab

décembre 31st, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Winter is here, waves season is open in Europe , so if you guys want to get a good idea [&hellip

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