New @ The Paddle Sports Show 2021 – LETTMANN AKAROA
This serie of articles, called “NEW @ The Paddle Sports Show 2021” showcases the products that are competing for the « PADDLE SPORTS PRODUCTS OF THE YEAR AWARDS »
Entry for Sea Kayaking – Akaroa by Lettmann
Akaroa MV Expedition Plus
Länge/length: ca. 525 cm
Breite/width: ca. 57,5 cm
Gewicht/weight: ca. 20 kg – 25 kg
Volumen/volume: ca. 310 Liter
Paddlergewicht/weight of the paddler: 60 – 100 kg
Akaroa HV Expedition Plus
Länge/length: ca. 525 cm
Breite/width: ca. 58 cm
Gewicht/weight: ca. 20 kg – 25 kg
Volumen/volume: ca. 330 Liter
Paddlergewicht/weight oft he paddler: 70 – 110 kg
Preise/ Price
DCS 3250,00 €
LCS 4050,00 €
VCS 4650,00 €

Akaroa Expedition Plus
The Akaroa follows the idea of Skagerrak and Adria, but here we are breaking a little more with our high-speed tradition and with it we have actually « not created the fastest 525 that Lettmann has ever designed, » said Jochen Lettmann after the first test drive of the finished prototypes.
But that doesn’t bother us, we’re even proud of it. Because the Akaroa has other strengths: It is the Lettmann sea kayak with the best straight-line stability and the most guidance while at the same time being very agile. And that was the most important thing to us when developing the kayak. The Akaroa gets along for a particularly long time without a skeg or rudder in wind and waves, whether from the front or the back, as well as when driving in the (tidal) current. To achieve that, we stole volume from him, volume in the lower ship. In the same way, we had to give him more S-beats and move his cockpit a little further back. All of this robs it of some speed, but the result is convincing across the board – and of course the Akaroa is still not really slow. No one will have trouble keeping up with a group of paddlers on a tour, the cruising speed is still high for a kayak in its class.
The even safer and slightly wider underwater hull (compared to Biskaya and Skinner) also makes the Akaroa super stable at the beginning. But that wasn’t the only reason why we opted for an under-ship that is almost 58 centimeters wide. Because in addition to the initial and final stability, we wanted to increase one thing above all else: the fun factor. In combination with the relatively short waterline, the Akaroa is a real surf machine, it is agile and, thanks to the very U-shaped lower hull, can be easily controlled, changing direction in the wave has never been so easy. The raised bow of the Akaroa ensures a very dry run. Even during long surfs, the bow dips very late and the kayak remains controllable for longer.
Of course, the Akaroa is equipped with our integrated steering skeg. There are two different pedal systems to choose from. In addition to our ergo control bracket, we also offer a classic side footrest (TipToes) that can be adjusted from the seat. The Akaroa comes as standard with a large oval lid at the rear and a 240 mm round hatch at the front. Customization is possible with a dayhatch in front of the cockpit and a 150 mm hatch behind the seat and a third bulkhead.
More info on the LETTMANN WEBSITE
This serie of articles, called “NEW @ The Paddle Sports Show 2021” showcases the products that are competing for the « PADDLE SPORTS PRODUCTS OF THE YEAR AWARDS »
It is produced & organized by KS Publishing (publishers of Kayak Session, Paddle World and Sup World magazine).
The Paddle Sports Show, is the world’s largest paddlesport-specific trade show (‘trade show’ meaning entrance is reserved for professionals) highlighting what the general public will find on shelves and in stores in 2022. It includes everything from kayaks and canoes to stand-up paddle boards and inflatables, with the apparel and accessories needed for it all. See the product and meet the manufacturer at The Paddle Sports Show 2021 in Lyon (France) >